Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This tut was done with PSP X2 and is for people with working knowledge of PSP who are familiar with PSP tutorials and their language.


Kit - "Bella's Bedroom" by Me : Frame01, Glitter03, Paper03,

Tube - "Twilight" by Vinegar at MPT

Mask & Brushes of Choice (WeeScotsLass Mask 50)


1. Open your supplies and minimize

2. Open a new 500 x 500 transparent image.

3. Paste your frame and resize this layer only by 80%.

4. Paste tube, resize and place as desired. Duplicate Tube layer and move duplicate below frame layer.

5. Go to your top tube layer. Duplicate layer. Set duplicate to "Screen". Merge down.

6. Click on your very bottom layer (which should be empty) and paste Glitter 03. Resize and arrange as desired. Duplicate, Mirror, Flip and Merge Down.

7. Paste Paper 03 Go to frame layer. Take your magic wand and click OUTSIDE of the frame. Expand your selection by 2 and invert selection.
Return to your paper layer and invert selection. Hit delete.

8. Go to your tube layer. Add a new raster layer. Use desired brushes in desired color (I used colors from the tube) resize and arrange as desired.
You may want to do this in several layers.
Adding a new layer for each brush. This makes it easier to arrange and easier to remove brushes that may not work later on.
You may arrange these above and below your tube layer as desired.

9. Go to your bottom layer. Select two different colors from your tube and create a gradient with these settings: Radial/Angle312/Repeats9.
Floodfill your bottom layer and apply your desired mask.

10. Apply desired shadows to all layers EXCEPT tube & mask layers.

11. Apply shadow (make sure "on separate layer" is checked) to your top tube layer. Duplicate the shadow layer. Adjust Gaussian Blur 4.00.
Merge your top tube layer down to your shadow layers.

12. Duplicate your shadowed frame. Select, float and defloat the duplicate frame. Keeping your selection intact, go to your top tube layer and erase
desired parts. (Tube over hangs etc,)

13. Deselect and delete duplicate frame. Go to your mask layer.

14. Make sure your mask has room for a shadow to prevent jagged cutoffs in the tag. Duplicate mask layer. Go to original layer (bottom) apply shadow.
Go to duplicate layer and set to Hard Light.

15. Merge and resize if desired. ALWAYS resize BEFORE adding credits and text. Add credits and save your base.
From there you can add any desired text or name.


Tut by ©JuicyBits November 18, 2009. Any similarity is purely coincidental. Do not redistribute or claim as your own.
Copying or 'Reproducing' and claiming as your own tut is STEALING and ILLEGAL.

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My name is Aiya. I've been psping for about 4 years. I'm currently creating exclusive scrap kits at AMI.
I also design for my own store Juicy Bits, as well as Twilight Scraps & Scrappetizing.
Below, you can find links to these stores as well as my blog.
If you'd like to contact me, please email me at

Fanatics, Stalkers & Other Fab People